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Mixed Race Heritage Month Panel

Rev. Karen Frost moderates a panel of speakers discussing their experience of their mixed race heritage. Speakers include Harris Silcott, Sydney Heart and Ashlee Hypolite.

Zoom Link:

Zoom Meeting ID: 965 3504 1469

One tap mobile: +16699009128,,96535041469#

*Also streaming on Facebook. Recordings are available on YouTube.

About the Panelists:

Sydney Seligman is a 22-year-old multiracial woman of Black, Italian, and Jewish descent. Growing up in suburbia, she was rarely surrounded by people who looked like her or people of color for that matter. As she got older she started exploring the many pieces of herself and got involved in black culture, participating in black lives matter protests, and continued her work in activism to this day. she’s also engaged to a Filipino/Polynesian man whose cultural background has exposed her to view the world from a different lens and also be around a whole different language. However, because of her white-looking appearance, many individuals often undermine and overlook her struggles and experiences of being a multiracial woman.

Harris Silcott is a 23-year-old of African-American, Caribbean, and German-Polish heritage. A LA native with ties to New York City, Harris' family spans several North American states. He currently works at the Ahiah Center for Spiritual Living, and as an at-home care provider. As someone with mixed ethnicity, Harris sees himself as proof of love and the possibility for equality.

Ashlee Hypolite currently works in Cultural Business Strategy at Creative Artists Agency, where she works with clients at the intersection of social impact and entertainment. During her time, she has contributed to initiatives like the Social Change Fund United, TIME’S UP, and Amplify, an initiative to connect business leaders across industries, creators, artists, and social justice leaders of color. She also serves on the leadership team for CAA's Multicultural Committee, the Lift (Black Hourly Employee Group), and Asians in Media (Asian Employee Resource Group). She also works on documentary films chronically the experience of Black and Brown Populations in Boston. Ashlee studied politics, sociology, and legal studies at Brandeis University.

Raised in the city of Boston with Trinidadian roots, Ashlee is passionate about seeing communities of color more authentically and fully represented in media and entertainment. Prior to entering the world of entertainment, Ashlee worked, taught, and volunteered in the nonprofit, NGO, an education space in Senegal, the Netherlands, and France.

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